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December 14, 2012

Thurgood Marshall Award Presentation

By: alan-yatvin

Here are a few pictures from the December 4, 2012 reception of the Criminal Justice Section of the Philadelphia Bar Association, where Alan Yatvin was presented the 2012 Thurgood Marshall Criminal Justice Award.  Read more at the Section’s blog.
After Thurgood Marshall Award recipient Alan Yatvin was introduced by David Rudovsky (c), Section Chair Kevin Mincey (l) made the presentation.
Alan shows Award to partner Howard Popper.
Marshall Award recipient Alan Yatvin with Philadelphia City Solicitor Shelley Smith and partner Howard Popper.
Marc Bookman, Executive Director of the Atlantic Center for Capital Representation, chats with David Rudovsky and Howard Popper.
Photo credits to Aaron Finestone.

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