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November 12, 2014

Yatvin on ethics panel in The Hague

By: alan-yatvin

ADCTraining_8Nov14On November 8, 2014, the Association of Defence Counsel Practising Before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ADC-ICTY) held an ethics training in The Hague, The Netherlands.  Alan Yatvin was a member of the panel entitled: Ethical Considerations During Pre-Trial Proceedings.  Alan is admitted to practice before the ICTY, the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (the consolidated residual court for the ICTY and the Rwanda Tribunal) and the Extraordinary Chambers in the Court of Cambodia (ECCC), also known as the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. Program attendees included ADC-ICTY members, interns and staff, as well as defence team members from the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL), staff of the ICTY/ICTR/MICT Registry, Prosecution and Chambers, and students from various universities around The Hague. At the ADC’s General Assembly on November 9th, Alan was elected to his 5th term as chair of the ADC-ICTY Membership Committee.

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